2024 Youth Volleyball League
First, the Pender Booster Club would like to THANK you for your support the fourteenth year of our volleyball league. We felt that it was very important to help our kids continue to develop their volleyball skills in this format. We are looking forward to hosting the 14th year of the league!!!
We will be charging $3 at the gate for adults (children are free)
We will provide referees. We will ask that each team provide a scorekeeper and a line judge.
Concessions/seating will be available. (No chairs/coolers)
We do use and provide volley-lite balls for league play. You will need your own balls for warm-ups.
League Information Below
Individual Registration Form
Team Roster Form
Set of Rules (please review)
Schedule of regular season games will be emailed by Friday, September 13th. Seeded game schedule for October 20th will be emailed out after the conclusion of league.
Player Registration fee is $25 per player.
General Information
Please pay attention to the time you play.
We will using two gyms.
We ask that you show up 20 minutes early each week in case prior games run faster than normal.
After your game we ask that player’s clothes, shoes, water bottles etc. be picked up so we reduce the number of lost and found items.
PLEASE also encourage your crowd to pick up garbage after your game as it helps us at the end of the day with cleaning the gym
Questions Contact: Mandy Johnson 402-922-1073, mjohnsonneneinsurance@gmail.com
Thank You,
The Pender Booster Club